Thursday 11 February 2010

A WHOLE day without blogging.... GAH!

Today is Thursday. My last blog was written on Tuesday. This makes me feel slightly sick. In my defence yesterday was quite a jam-packed little day in the life of me. Sadly though, after what was an enjoyable day, I went to sleep feeling like I had forgotten something. I had a little blog-shaped hole in me that sure as needed filling up, but alas I was too sleepy to do so. I'm sure you all felt the same, my babeish little readers. And for this I apologise. But it's time to get out of the dark rooms you've been hiding in for the last day, wipe away those tears and rejoin society, because my darlings, I (and my blog) are back. Hoorayyy *waves excitedly to all those who are reading* (you best be waving back!)

Even though I stated yesterday was an enjoyable day I'm going to start off this blog with a little moan. Hopefully by writing it down it will help and get it off my chest. There I was driving along (I was off to uni) I was in quite a cheery mood, the sun was shining, my sunglasses are on and the Glee soundtrack was on full blast (even if you're not a Gleek, just imagine you like it for this please) I was driving on quite a popular road where there were cars parked either side and then I "met traffic" Now because I was in such a happy mood I thought "What the hell, I'll let these people go. I'm nice like that; I'll spread a bit of my cheer." So I pull in, flash Bella's little headlights and the car drives through and doesn't say thanks. Suddenly I'm not so cheery. Now it may come across like I'm making a big deal out of nothing and maybe I am but I've been bought up to have manners and it bugs me when people don't have any. A little wave of thanks can make a big difference and lets face it, it really isn't that hard to lift your hand to do it, is it? Carrying along the same road I pulled over two more times to be completely ignored by the drivers. No thanks whatsoever. So there I was, slightly annoyed, but life was still sweet as the Halo and Walking on Sunshine mash-up from Glee had just come on (one of my favs) when I saw yet another car coming. I thought I'd pull over once more and let the next car through, hoping that the driver would restore my faith in human-kind and would thank me for letting him go. And did he? Did he heck. Ignorant Sod. The fourth time of this happening in a row proved too much for me. So as he was driving past and it became apparent he had no intention of thanking me I beeped him, waved like an absolute lunatic and gave him the 'Emma-glare' from behind my sunnies.... After that I felt a lot better. :)

Actually whilst I'm on this topic I'm just going to moan a little more (feel free to skip this paragraph!) this time about manners in general. One of my pet hates (along with people who eat with their mouth open. Not only is this annoying but it's disgusting. Close your mouth. You are not an animal) are people who lack manners. Did your mums not teach you any? A little please or thank you may not seem much, but it makes a whole lot of difference. I was bought up to write thank you letters to family members after birthdays and Christmas, at the time it would seem tedious and I didn't like doing it but when I next saw them or spoke to them they would always thank me for it and say how lovely it was! If I were to give you something and not hear a "Thank you" (and this has happened on several occasions) I wouldn't be impressed and probably be tempted to snatch it out of your hands and walk off. If you don't have manners, trust me I'll pick up on it, and I will judge you.

Anyway rant over onto a lighter note; yesterday I lost my car. Now when I say lost, I mean I forgot where I had parked her. It was quite cold even though the sun was shining and I was wandering around this big car park without the foggiest idea where I had left her. (Note to self: Pay more attention to things) Anyway it then started snowing, not very much but it was snow none-the-less! I resorted to aiming my key in all directions and pressing the button in the hope I would hear her. No such luck. So walking up and down all the rows of cars it was then. It took 15 minutes but I eventually found her, got inside and wacked the heating on full and off I went. (I didn't give way to anyone on the way home!)

Yesterday's Tweet of the Day goes to 'Cheryl Kerl' once again (I seriously can't get enough of it, has me in hysterics everytime they update. I also try to do the accent and read it out loud!) Anyway this is what was said:
"Ah've bin oot ar an aererbics class t'neet. Ah put a gram on ovah Christmus eatin a malteaza an Ah cannat seem tuh shift it!"
Oh how I laughed!!

I also went to JLS last night, but that deserves its own blog. So I'll be back later with my own little review-esque blog :) Alan Carr has just come on itv2+1 on Loose Women, I watched it earlier but I love him so I'm off to watch him again! Catch ya laters xo

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