Saturday 6 February 2010

Oh no. I've turned into a 'Gleek'. Gah!

Hello there my darling blog-readers. This morning I found myself waking up coughing and spluttering. I know, I'm delicious! Conclusion - my over indulgence of all things vitamin packed and supposedly flu-killing medicines last night didn’t work, as the babeish cold I have contracted hasn’t gone. Yeah great, nice one. Thanks Beechams.... NAAAAT! Gah! Anyway back to the subject; this meant only one thing. Duvet day for me! Yay! So I got another hot ribena (mmm) I located my pink box of tissues, I snuggled back under my duvet and I started to wallow in self pity. This lasted a couple of minutes before I became extremely bored and hit up facebook. This too lasted only a couple of minutes before I became extremely bored, so I ventured over to Twitter. God bless it! This lasted several hours before I became bored (result!) so then I wondered to myself what I could do that didn’t involve a lot of energy to help pass the day? Online shopping, I thought. Genius. However lack of money stopped that from occurring, so then I went through the numerous television programmes I like to stay up-to-date with. Desperate Housewives – check. Gossip Girl - check. “Hmm” I thought to myself, think harder Emma. And that, my jolly readers, is where Glee came into it.

Let’s go back several weeks. *wacks out time machine* I’m ashamed to say that I had been cursing everyone who had been raving about Glee, the copious amount of status updates, the wall posts, the tweets, the adverts, the conversations. Oh it drove me insane! But alas, now I have become one of them, and I can’t wait for the statuses, the wall posts, the tweets, the adverts or the conversations. Bring it on! How hideously hypocritical of me! I did though (only down to curiosity, mind) tune in to watch the first episode purely because of all the raving adverts running up to it. However, I didn’t think much of it. To be fair though I don’t remember paying much attention (I probably saw something sparkle – easily distracted) but then as I was casually watching another repeat of Friends (seriously, how do they do it? They never get old!) I saw an advert for the next episode. I was hooked instantly. It was of a boy (who I later found out was named Kurt) dressed up like Beyonce with two girls behind him dancing to Single Ladies. YES. That is EXACTLY what I’m talking about. So I made a note in my mental diary, my brain (Yes I do have one, thank you very much. Although, admittedly it doesn’t often function correctly unless it’s remembering something way important like, I don’t know, the release date of SATC2) anyway I told my brain to remind me to watch that episode. And it did. And I loved it. And I didn’t want to admit it. But I did. (And I have again, very publically now, here on my blog.) Although I’m not going to lie, my attempts at the Single Ladies video remake are just as good as the one in Glee. The one in Asda, where people were stopping to take pictures of us and the one outside the Statue of Liberty in the snow wearing our green foam Statue of Liberty hats! Priceless! (For those who haven’t seen them, they are on my facebook page in the videos of me bit! Have a watch!) I found myself being taken away into this magical world where they all sung and danced away their troubles. And then I realised I was humming, tapping and bopping along; all of this whilst I had the biggest smile spread right across my face. And that’s when it hit me. I’d become a Gleek! It’s made me want to go into uni on Monday and just sing my little heart out whilst throwing some of my legendary shapes. Although to be honest that sounds pretty much like any old Monday at uni with me, so I doubt anyone would even bat an eyelid! So anyway I have caught up with the episodes I missed previous to the Single Ladies beauty and in one of them (I don’t remember which) there was a line from Kurt, which confirmed my love for all things Glee: “Every moment of your life is an opportunity for fashion.” Amen to that one sister.

So there we have it. Yes admittedly it took me several weeks to realise the serious error of my ways. But I am now 'outted' as an official Gleek (I mean if blogging about it doesn’t make it official, what the hell does?) and I couldn’t be happier. I’m off to find my sparkly dancing shoes, the plastic microphone I had as a child and start singing and dancing my way along the streets of Bournemouth. If you spot me and want to join in, please do feel free! *Da da da da da da da da da da. Just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhereeeee. Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit, he took the midnight train going anywhereeeee. Da da da da da da da da daaaa* ... actually on second thoughts, I’ll leave that for when I’m feeling better, right now I’ll just settle with watching another episode! And, yes, you’ve all guessed it, I defo have started to watch it online! Stuff waiting for it to be shown on tv! Addicted? Slightly… *looks down* I mean, totally. Ashamed? Not. At. All! :)


Oh actually, before I go and its totally off topic but I simply have to leave you with another tweet from the giggle-worthy Cheryl Cole twitter that I mentioned in yesterdays blog, here’s one from last night: “Wiv had a curry delivahd t'neet. Ash had beef madras, onion bahjee an pilau reece an Ah just had the fumes. Ah'm stuffed man!” Simply HIGHLarious!!

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