Friday 12 February 2010

The Hoodie Footie along with other Goodies...

Ok so yesterday I told you about how I'd quite like a 'Snuggie' but now I've seen this:

It's made from 'marshmellow soft fleece'.... If that doesn't sell it to you, I don't know what the hell would!!

Ladies and Gentlemen it's that time of the day that you've all been waiting for *yay* here's the next installment of.... *dun dun dunnn*
Emma's Favourite Tweet of the Day :)
Today's goes to Fifi Brown who said
"sultanas and apricots please remove yourselves from my cous cous, i did NOT sign up for you."
Oh my goodness, I SO know the feeling! I'm quite partial to couscous myself and I too hate the 'gunk' they put in it. Sultanas, apricots and courgettes are all picked out of mine. Gross.

Also my question of the day for today is: How do Jedward jump so high without trampolines?
Watching them on Alan Titchmarsh today (a lovely surprise after waking up from a little nap. Zzz it's tiring work being me!) and there they were jumping around. It got me thinking, do they have springs in their little feet? Because they jump SO high! It puzzled me... Answers on a postcard please my lovelys! :)

I also feel the need to speak very briefy about the whole TRASHley situ... Cheryl it's time to get rid. Seriously! I hear that a certain David Burke is interested and has lovely university accommodation that he's willing to share!

And I'll leave you with this beauty. In last night's blog/review of JLS I mentioned the moves they busted when performing 'Only Making Love' and how I wish I had been clever enough to video it, well someone out there was brainy enough and thanks to the invention of You Tube I can bring you this... Enjoy (I will!)


P.S. It would appear that Clogs are coming back in to fashion. Shudder. You can 100% count me out of that one. (I'll no doubt be wearing a pair in a couple of months having said that now!) Gah. I'm such a fashion victim! :(

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