Thursday 11 February 2010


So as you all know, last night I went and saw the gorgeous guys from JLS. Now before I get started I want to apologise in advance for the quality of the pics. Blame 1, the blackberry for only having a 3.2 mp camera! 2, My drunken antics which killed my real camera and 3, Halifax for not upping my overdraft so I can afford another camera. Right onto JLS...

I'm not going to lie I was defo excited but when I got there I realised I wasn't nearly as excited as all these crazed 13, 14 and 15 year olds. It made me feel extremely old! Luckily there were other oldies around so not too bad! It reminded me of when I was that age and my obsession with Blazin Squad *cringe* ...anyway moving on.... The support acts were horrendous. The first were a group of 5 girls (one who had the biggest fakest boobs you will ever seen) and all dressed like goodness only knows what. Their entire outfits looked like they came from J.R.Fashions and just looked ridiculous. Then they told us their name "Phacebook" and no I'm not joking (I wish I was). They danced around the stage (all out of time with each other) whilst one of them sang the majority of the songs and the others went "oohh ahhh" and did the backing (they clearly couldn't sing.) It was definitely cringe worthy, but the best was yet to come. The closing line before they walked off stage. "You've been Bournemouth... and we've been Phacebook" and off they strutted. Err, ok then?!

Next it was someone called Stevie Hoang a guy came out started rapping so you'd think that was him right? No, wrong. Another guy came out and woosh "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" the screams began, all these youngsters obviously know who he was and loved him! Myself, Kayleigh and Jayne on the other hand had no clue and weren't really that impressed! Anyway they were both wearing sunglasses, very funny, and at one point Stevie took his off *cue a lot more screaming* He sung some Black Eyed Peas, bit of Lady Gaga and played Beyonce on the keyboard. Come to think of it, I don't actually think he sung any of his own songs?! Oh well. There was a girl somewhere behind us who kept shouting "Stevie you are so fit" hahaa, so me being me, obviously had to join in "Yeah Stevie you're well buff!" (Who said I wasn't down with the kids?! Oh and by the way, he really wasn't! Vom) He kept mentioning how he'd seen JLS backstage and every time those sacred three letters were spoken aloud the venue erupted into a lot of very high pitched screaming. I began to question whether I was going to be able to cope and whether my ears were going to make it. I mean if these girls were this loud at the mere mention of the lads what the hell were they going to be like when they were actually on stage. *Please Lord, have mercy on my ears*

After a break the time had finally arrived (although my ears weren't best pleased) the footage on the screen started; JB. Oritse. Marvin. Aston. JLS. The screaming was at an all-time-high and it was at this point that I decided "if you can't beat them, join them" so join them I did. I screamed and let out the little obsessed 14 year old inside me (she loved it!) The opening song was 'Private' one of my favs off their album. They were on top of some steps and were all wearing sunglasses (clearly been taking fashion advice from our old friend Stevie Hoang, whoever he was!) It was a good opening to the show, but I thought it was quite a weird song choice, but it worked nevertheless. After another song (Heal this Heartbreak) it was time for an outfit change. Hello white suits and an all round smarter look. They appear on the stage, and they each have a rose. Nice touch! They started to sing a song (I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't one of theirs) and proceeded to chose four different girls to give the roses to and serenade them. I wasn't jealous at all *rolls eyes*

One of my favourite parts of their show was the MJ tribute they did. Each of them sung a different song in an MJ meledy. It started off with Aston who popped out in black trousers a white t-shirt with MJ on the front, a flat cap and red braces... hmm interesting choice! He did a little backflip and then started singing "I want you back" Then out came Jb who sang 'Don't stop till you get enough' although most eyes were still on Aston as he was his backing dancer. (I feel a little bit sorry for JB, I didn't spy many yellow hoodies in the audience, out of everyone he probably received the fewest screams and he was actually kinda cute. Next out was Oritse who came out dressed in a read sleeve-less leather jacket (another interesting choice!) he sung Beat it and was busting out some good moves. Then came the hunk himself Marvin *swoon* "Hey pretty baby with the high heels on" *swoon even more* He was lush that's all you need to know *big fat major swoon!*

Let's talk fashion. The outfits were interesting, some right weird choices. My favourite outfits were the last ones mainly because Aston was wearing a really cute checked shirt (I'm a sucker for one of those). I was also a fan of the tops Marvin wore, the ones that didn't really have much to them, the ones with the really low necks (so low you can practically see his belly button) or the one with no sides. Hot. Now, I thought it was Oritse who was the 'hat-wearer' of the band, but Aston sure as hell gave him a run for his money in the show. He wore the weird old man style flat cap, a red beanie and a purple one. The purple one was ridiculously big and looked a bit like he had a condom on his head. Never mind hey! Another wardrobe malfunction was when Oritse kicked his shoes off by mistake, both of them! Whoops. He later ditched the shoes and carried on the rest of the show in just his socks. What a trooper! Along with the cheesy outfits came the cheesy conversation "Oh Bournemouth you are all gorgeous. Who's single?" "I've never seen so many hot girls all in one room" etc etc. It worked though, the screams got a lot louder!

They sang most of the songs off their album including their new single 'One Shot', 'Only tonight' and 'Beat Again'. Another song that they sung was Umbrella. I love their version, but I loved the backing video footage even more. Then dancing/posing whilst it was raining on them in their really tight tank tops. Yes please. Consequently I didn't pay much attention to their actual performance of the song I was concentrating on the screens behind them! Ha, my bad! Although it has to be said that my favourite moment of the whole evening was without a doubt their performance of 'Only Making Love' purely for the dance moves. Oh. My. Actual. Goodness. If ever there was a moment when you realise you actually HAVE to sleep with someone. That was it. Cor. The chests on show whilst they were thrusting their hips like I have never seen hips be thrusted before nearly tipped me over the edge. It was incredible!

They did what all acts do at the end, and gave a very blunt ending "Goodbye Bournemouth, you've been great" whilst running off stage. Oh what a shame its all over and they haven't even sung Everybody in Love. Sadface. Oh come on, as if that's ever going to happen! Cue all the 13/14/15 chanting "We want more. We want more!" No need to worry poppets they were back out within a couple of minutes. First out came the dancers in these creepy alluminous green masks and white gloves. It was actually pretty creepy for a show which was filled with young kids (or at least I thought it was anyway) *woss* then out came the lads who sung 'Beat again', again. And then finished the night with 'Everybody in Love', at which point I think every single member of the audience was in love. I for one certainly was!

Overall it was a really good show. They sang live and really quite well whilst dancing at the same time. Their moves were incredible (mainly the hip thrusting ones!) Cor they don't half know how to move. The backing dancers they had were also incredible. Although the outfits were cheesy they gave the audience a good view of what was underneath, result! Admittedly it wasn't the most entertaining of shows. I mean there weren't any dancing dwarfs or ladies being thrown up in the air and then caught like in Britney's circus and I felt it lacked in stage equipment but that's probably because the BIC isn't the biggest of venues. But anyway whatever they may have lacked in stage decorations they definitely made up for in 6-packs. So there were no complaints from me! Phwoar. I'm off to put 'Only Making Love' on replay and remember *those* dance movements. If only I'd had the sense to video it. I was clearly too carried away with the moment to think sensibly. Damn!

On a totally irrelevant subject I need to tell you all about the "Snuggie!" A few weeks back on Loose Women Carol mentioned something called a "snugglie" it's a blanket with sleeves. She was raving about it and said how everyone should have one. I loved the sound of it (sad act I know) and since hearing about them I have seen some pics on twitter with celebs wearing them. Here's Holly Madison rocking hers, and looking a little like a wizard!

I wanty!
(Although I'd rather a pink one!!)

Also lastly question of the day: Does ice-cream have a sell-by date?
Please let me know if you know! My babe Nat has just asked me and it got me thinking, and now it's quite frankly bugging me! We've come to the conclusion that yes it is dairy, but it's frozen so whats the deal? Help!

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