Tuesday 2 March 2010

I have a spring in my step...

...Wow, that title was horrendous. I'd firstly like to apologise for that ridiculous attempt to be witty. Myself and wit do not go, no matter how hard I try. And secondly I'll get the boring stuff out the way, if you haven't done so already (and why the hell not?!) can you please do my online survey on celebrity journalism, it won't take a second and will be really helpful for my dissertation. Thanks poppets. You can find it here at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/93HYR8L ... it's about celebrities so it shouldn't be too tiresome, I mean it could have been about politics. *shudder*

Anyway back to the title, I actually have had a spring in my step and its all down to the lovely weather we've had the last couple of days (not some new crazy shoes I've bought with genuine springs in them... although they do sound kinda fun...) anyway Mr Sunshine had obviously seen my status on facebook at the end of last week and realised that he needed to wack his hat on and come the heck out to play. And play he did. Oh it's been lovely. Today I was contemplating wearing sandals... however after posting it as a question on twitter within a minute I had several people telling me that I was barmy... so pumps it was! And yes I defo did just draw that picture on paint... old school. :)

Apart from the sun life has also been rather lovely. Perez Hilton tweeted me. No. Big. Deal. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. PEREZ HILTON AKA THE PERSON MY BLOG IS NAMED AFTER. PEREZ HILTON... EMMA-EZ HILTON, GET IT? OH MY GOLLY GOSH. It was like Heatworld/Lucie Cave all over again. I was jumping/screaming/genuinely being OVERLY excited around my room. I canny believe it, he has exactly 1,821,994 followers and he replied to me. Christ alive. Talk about insane. Anyway let me tell you the story, he was tweeting Lily Allen and linking her to all the stories he'd written about her basically slagging her off, this made me laugh so I tweeted him saying "HAHAAA keep it up Perez, loving the work!!xx" he didn't reply and then wrote this "@mrskutcher I remember when you used to be an actress! Those were the days! #Hasbeen" this was to Demi Moore, which once again really had me giggling so I replied again (not expecting anything would happen) saying "You are on FIRE tonight. I'm LOVING it!!!xxx" to which he only went and effing replied didn't he "Thanks babe xo xo" HE CALLED ME BABE. OH MY WORD. As soon as this happened, I had random people tweeting me telling me that Perez had replied to me. Insane. His reply would have taken what? 5 seconds to type and my tweets would have probably taken the same to read, so in total I have had 10 seconds of Perez's time. IMPRESSIVE! 

Also as you all know (or should do if you've been reading my blogs) I did some work experience last week at dv8 magazine and the feature I wrote is now up on their online version of the magazine... chickety check it out (it's pages 8-9) and read the rest of it too, its lovely. I also wrote about Tim Henman and a food review, nice. http://www.dv8online.co.uk/ePages/magazine/bournemouth/2010/mar/

In other news I was driving home this evening with the Glee soundtrack up full blast when my favourite came on "Somebody to love". I started howling and honestly thought I was hitting all the notes like Rachel does so effortlessly... then I caught some pedestrians walking past me giving me some right odd looks... so I'm guessing I wasn't sounding as tuneful as I had first thought. The lesson of this story my little blogettes, is that if you insist on singing in the car a) make sure you're singing in tune and b) don't sing too loud, because apparently cars aren't built with sound-proof doors. Who knew? I certainly didn't. Oh well, one of them tripped up afterwards and fell right over, so that's karma for you!

Also today, well this morning to be precise, I was casually watching Gino on This Morning (as you do when you're a student) when my doorbell rung *grr* so I decided it would probably be polite if I answered it seeing as I was the only one home and there was a man stood there "Hello" he said "I'm the fish man" cue a very confused look from me "wanna see?" "Eww no. I hate fish." this clearly symbolised the end of the conversation so I closed the door in his face (bit rude I know, but FISH? Oh puurrrleaseee, everyone knows Nat and her family are the only "fishes" I'll ever like) what the hell was he thinking? Sheesh, the "fish man", doubt he'll be coming back any time soon! 

Hmm, to finish off this lovely happy blog, here's something that will always put a smile on my face, no matter how many times I play it (currently 301 times on itunes) Beyonce - Single Ladies will NEVER get old and will ALWAYS make me happy, it holds too many fantastic memories. And I am EFFING loving this little beauty... watch :)

I can't stop watching. I love it. Anyway I feel that my work here is done :) Have a splendid evening and until next time, take care my darling blogettes xo xo

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