Thursday 11 March 2010

Laughter = Love

After a HIGHlarious conversation with a certain babe of mine last night it became apparent that I needed to write another blog and in her words “ASAP” (and yes capital letters were used to emphasise the importance.) This blog is going to seem very self-loving and for this I would apologise but I’m actually not sorry, so never mind hey! I’d also just like to point out (not that it is necessary) that this blog isn’t for any of my babeish blogette readers (as all of you are genuwine babes, and you should know it) and to be quite honest you'll hopefully agree with what's being said! Instead this blog goes out to all the stereotypical ‘Bournemouth' people. Have a little read and learn to lighten up a bit guys... it’s fun, trust me! :)

Btown (yeah I may be nearing 21 but I'm 100% down with the kiddos) is known for many things. Its beaches, its nightlife, the stupid airshow which completely clogs up the town *grr* its inhabitant Gordon the Tramp and the stereotypical pretentious self-loving "rude and ignorant" *Hi Tom!!* Bournemouth citizen. There are however many people who dare to be different. Step forward myself and Nat. *Busts out the jazz hands while beaming from ear to ear. Daaa daaaaarrrrr!* We make Bournemouth babeish. (I mean to be fair we did invent the word in the first place so of course we ooze babeish-ness!)

Seriously though who else do you know who would dance in Asda to Beyonce Single Ladies whilst people took pictures and watched in complete awe at the end of the aisle? Who else would go out in JEdward masks and X Factor slippers on Halloween completely sober just for jokes? Who else entertains you the way we do on facebook/twitter/blogs, because let’s face it, you’re here now taking time out of your day to read my blog... which you’ve either seen me publish on facebook or twitter (or in true babeish style it’s on your favourites, in which case can I just say I generally LOVE you.) Let’s face it we are entertaining, we are fun and all because we simply have a laugh. That's exactly why we find it so hard to understand and get it round our babeish little brains why everyone else isn’t the same? Who cares what people think? Judge away. Because at the end of the day you don’t know us and I’d much rather spend my time having fun with my friends than slagging people off and being miserable.

I guess the moral of this blog is to lighten up and do what you wanna do instead of following the crowd. It's way more fun being 'weird' compared to being a 'plain Jane' or a 'pretentious Polly' (I defo just made that one up, ha!). So swallow up your pride and have a giggle. Life is too short to take it too seriously so chin up, get your dodgy dance moves out (not that the teapot is in any shape or form dodgy....) hit the dance-floor (or Asda which ever you fancy) and just have a laugh guys. But this time at yourself, instead of other people!

And as Gretchen Weiner once said in Mean Girls,
 “I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular.”

Ha, what a babe! xo

P.S. It's majorly off topic but I'd also just like to thank Facebook for the invention of privacy settings. Genius. I am fully loving them right up!

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