Tuesday 23 March 2010


Holy Moly. Have you heard about the new epidemic that just hit Britain? It has been said to be ten times WORSE than Swine Flu (wack the face masks back out guys, this is seriously bad.) And can you believe my luck... guess who's only gone and contracted it? Me! Oh great, good one Em! Gah!

The new 2010 pandemic is set to be a global outbreak of a brand new strain of C1BA2 influenza virus, often referred to as "CBA Syndrome" (Can't Be Arsed Syndrome.) And just like Swine flu the British Government are taking it very serious and are trying to put on a brave face for the public but it is more than obvious that they are worried. Apparently face masks won't be enough this time, oh no, they are having millions of full-body-protective-suits shipped in from Japan, with the oxygen face masks as well. This is way bad (if only I could be bothered to care!!) Symptoms for the extremely contagious and sometimes life-damaging disease are said to be having a general lack of motivation in life, not wanting to move from the sofa/bed and just genuinely not really caring about anything, including important issues that the victim should care about (for example dissertations or just attending uni in general.... *rolls eyes*)

Scientific research has been conducted into trying to find a cure, however there has been no such luck as of yet. However they have thankfully had a few small leads and have discovered that victims must not do anything they don't want to do and get a lot of rest and be generally lazy until they feel like they can resume normal life again. They have also found that CBA will never EVER effect partying, so no fears if you contract the disease come friday/saturday night you'll still be getting on it! It can also appear out of nowhere, like seriously, one minute you're fine and then BAM you look like this poor victim who was found on her till last week. Poor girl. (The till had to be sectioned off and the store was actually closed for a few days to be cleaned from top to bottom which just shows the seriousness of it all.)

So it looks like it is back to bed to get a lot of rest for me for the rest of the day/week/month (however long it takes to go away. Sadface!) Oh dear, what a shame, especially in this gross weather... such a pity! Also I'm sorry to mention it last but the disease is SO contagious that you will probably contract it just from reading this blog. Oh crap. So now none of you will be able to go into uni/work tomorrow. Oh dear that really is a shame, sorry about that guys!

I'm not sure when you'll hear from me again Blogette's, it all depends on whether I can shift this nasty virus or not! Finger's crossed, for all of your sakes because I know how you love the blogs, and I love all of you back!! xo

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