Friday 29 January 2010

Hi I'm Emma and I'm a Heat-aholic.

O-M-ACTUAL-G. All of you know how much I effing love Heat magazine. I've been subscribed for over 3 years and Tuesdays are obviously my FAVOURITE days ever so imagine my utter delight when the people who update Heatworld's twitter tweeted me. AAHHH!!! :)

Now, I've been a twitter member ever since Phillip Schofield started mentioning it on This Morning last year. I'll admit I didn't really use it very much, for me it was more about following all the celebrities I love and having a cheeky little look at what they were getting up to. (Stalker, I know!) It amazed me, it was a heat magazine but from the celebs themselves! Genius!

Anyway in the last month I've been on there more and getting into the whole Twitter business, tweeting and whatnot! When last night, just as I was going to snooze knowing I'd have to be up early for my hair cut (and when I say early, I mean student early!) when my blackberry started doing crazy things buzz buzz buzzzz right in my ear with the little red light flashing and all. I was not impressed. It was a twitter update. Now I very rarely get these, as like I said earlier I haven't really used it to its potential, so it's terribly exciting when someone tweets me, even if it is just Natbabe to say hi! But then I saw it...
@emmybabee We LOVE LOVE LOVE your Twitter background!!
about 10 hours ago from web
HEATWORLD had tweeted me without me even tweeting them first. Amazing. They had seen my background (lots of little heat magazines♥) and decided to mention it. Cor, I was chuffed beyond belief. Yes, this may sound a little over dramatic, but Heat isn't just a magazine for me. It's a substitute for a religion, a way of life. After updating my facebook status "Emmy Jamieson OMG HEAT JUST TWEETED ME saying they love my twitter background!! (it's lots of mini Heat magazines) Oh I'm so chuffed hahaa how exciting!! :) x" I went to bed a very happy Heat reader! Only to awake to see I had received another tweet from them. What an amazing way to start my day. So there we have it, a very excited blog from a very excited lady! THANK YOU HEATWORLD!

You can follow us both (although Heat is defo the better one) at... and

Woopla! Anyway I'm off to go and re-read my heat magazine! This weeks is a corker... VB is on the cover and you all know how much I love her. RESULT! Oh and I'll also have another laugh at Heidi Montag and her new ridiculous face thanks to all the surgery she's had! xo

P.S. We didn't get very much snow down in the South at all, but I used it to make a snow-woman, based on yours truely! As you can see she definitely had good taste in reading material!!

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