I want one.... Pretty PLEASE? :)
I've been called 'high maintenance' many times and normally people say it as an insult, however I take it the complete opposite way. If anything I see it as one of the greatest compliments that can be given. I'm glad people think that, because yes I do care what I wear/own etc, and yes I do want the best of everything. So yes I am high maintenance. Why settle for anything less than the best? It just doesn't make sense to me!
So anyway, today myself and Lucy went on a Mini adventure (aka went to test drive a Mini) For those of you who don't know, I have desperately wanted a Mini convertible for around 4 years. My family all know and haven't taken up the offer of buying it for me, coh! Anyway there's a 'Jamieson-Joke' that on every birthday or Christmas they all buy me Mini related presents and laugh in my face when I get sad that it’s not the real thing. I have a remote control one, a Mini mug, a convertible mini key ring, a car-key holder, a calendar, a cushion and a pen. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to hear that it’s become very tiresome now! However, when it comes to purchasing the real deal I'd very much like an orange one with a black roof and most importantly it must have the matching orange-interior. "Orange?!" You're all thinking. Why of course, what else do you expect from a fake-tan lover such as myself. I'd name him Tango :) Also today Apple announced their newest gadget to help them achieve global domination (I swear soon enough even the Earth will be apple shaped). Anyway I've always been a Windows baby. I was bought up learning the basics on Windows 95 (retro!), but now I'm thinking it may be time to fly the nest and become an Apple babe! Step forward the iPad. Do I know what it actually is, or does? Not really! Do I even care? Errr, no! And do I desperately want one right this minute? YES! But I'm going to have to wait until April 2010, as it's not released until then, at least it gives me time to save some pennies. Oh and I should probably find out what it actually is too, because all I know at the moment is that it just looks like a super big iPod touch. But there's been a whole lot of press coverage on it, so it must be amazing and this excites me a lot! Just one more thing... I have also fallen in love with a new brand of bags, Tabitha. And all because of Dannii Minogue. I was casually stalking her on twitter only to come across a picture she had recently uploaded of a beautiful new bag that she owns; the Tabitha 'Saturn' in a gorgeous eye catching blue. Unfortunately, on the website they only appear to sell it in black (bummer) so I tweeted her asking if she could help me out and she very kindly didn't reply. Pfft. And that my friends is why I have always been and always will be Team Cole!! Yay! Just incase you're interested to see what its like, you can check it out here:http://www.tabitha.uk.com/bags/saturn_black.htmI also freaking love the 'hint that you want one' option. I sent it to my dad. He told me to get lost. Sweet!However I must remember that golden rule I was taught as a child "I want, doesn't get."Oh how I wish it did....!Over and out! xo
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