Tuesday 26 January 2010

Confessions of a Student Shopaholic

Name: Emma Jamieson.
Occupation: Student.
Coat: Student Overdraft. (Topshop)
Bag: Mum and Dad. (Louis Vuitton)
Shoes: Student Overdraft. (Kurt Geiger) and worth every penny :)

... Okay so it's not exactly the most glamorous of wardrobes, but for a student who works one day a week (and by one day I mean 5 and a half hours!!) I think I'm doing alright! And yes I defo am watching "Confessions of a Shopaholic"!! I had already read the book when I first saw the trailer for it, so I knew what to expect and I was so excited! It was before another film was about to start (I think it was SATC2) with several girlfriends, who all turned and looked at me as soon as they saw the title of the film! I guess I can see the similarities. She likes shopping. I like shopping. She's a journalist. I'm doing a journalism course. She's a bit dappy, as am I. However unlike Rebecca Bloomfield I don't have 12 credit cards, although given half the chance I defo would. Imagine all the things you could buy. Oh. Wow. I also don't have a scary debt collector like Derek Smead, the closest I get to that is my dad when I borrow the odd tenner here and there and luckily he normally forgets. Bonus!

Seriously though as soon as the film was out the texts and comments started rolling in "Oh Em, have you seen that new film, it's based around you isn't it?!" "Em, you're blates going to end up like Rebecca Bloomfield." "You are the English equivalent to that film" blah blah blah. It got me thinking about whether I will end up being like her, I mean obviously I doubt I'd work for a finance magazine but then again Miss Bloomfield was an unlikely candidate for that job also, so you never know. But will I have numerous maxed our credit cards? Will I need a 'sensible friend' (cue Kayleigh!!) to freeze the credit cards in a big block of ice and leave it in the freezer so she knows I've not taken them? Will I need to enrole in Shopaholics anonymous? But more importantly... will I have an amazing and very extensive wardrobe like hers, whilst working and living in NEW YORK. Gosh. I really hope so!

I know what my problem is (which surely solves half of it?!) I have no self control. As soon as I see something I want it's like a little monster (aka the brat inside me) takes over my brain and makes me realise that actually I don't want that cute dress from ASOS. I need it and if I don't get it my life will be over. I think the longest I've gone without shopping would be a few days, and it was utter torture. That would be my idea of hell, a place where there were no shops and shopping was forbidden. The mere thought makes me want to weep. So I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I think that the invention of online shopping is one of the best of all time. Even though it hasn't been very kind to my bank balance, especially as ASOS is one of my internet homepages... whoops! I just love the fact that on the days where you can't bring yourself to leave the house but are longing to shop, you can purchase what you want within a few clicks. What a result!

A wise woman (Carrie Bradshaw) once said "I like to see my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet." And I couldn't agree more. I have the attitude that yes the pair of Kurt Geigers I want may be a lot of money, but if I were to leave without purchasing them I'd be really sad and probably think about it all the time and go on and on about them to people who really couldn't care less. And then imagine if the unthinkable happened and I died. I'd be so majorly pissed I hadn't bought them, so in the long run it's best that I just buy them there and then!

Before I finish this blog I'd really like to take the opportunity to thank Halifax for funding my spenditures for the last year and a half. Their student overdrafts are the closest thing I'm going to get to heaven. No interest. Count. Me. In. So a big thanks to them!

Lastly, as I once quoted in a terribly boring Professional practice and Employment seminar "It looks like I'm destined to die with a load of debt, but one hell of a wardrobe." And quite frankly, I'm more than happy to leave it that way (whilst I can still get away with it!)

P.S. 4 blogs in one day... Cor blimey I'm done! Night x

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