Thursday 28 January 2010

Hurry up May 2010.

Yes, it’s only just over 3 months away but that’s way too long for my liking. I want May 2010 here right now. And here are the reasons why...

1. SATC2 comes out *Squeal!* (on May 28th to be exact.) I have been watching and re-watching the trailer on youtube over and over and I have so many questions that need answering after the one minute of footage! Why the hell is Carrie back to her old closet? I wonder why they have the flashback to the 80s? What’s with all the desert shots? It looks a bit like Dubai? I hope it was, and they stayed in the same hotel that I did! And where on earth did Charlotte get those gorgeous pink shoes?! You know I'll be there on the opening night along with all the other Carrie lovers! I wonder if I'll beat my record and see it more than 6 times (like I did for the first one) at the cinema. Oh hurry up. I'm so impatient. I want it to "Carrie on" now!!

2. Britney’s seventh studio album. *Squeal!* Yep that’s right Britney's back bitches. After her AMAZING Circus tour she's going to hit us up with another (no doubt) fierce album and I for one cannot wait! It's going to be all I play on my iPod for the following couple of months after its release. Roll on the times driving around aimlessly with Jackson blasting it out and learning all the new words! Count me in! Also Sean Garrett is apparently writing new songs for this album. And yes I did meet him at work experience and yes I definitely do still have his number... looks like he'll be receiving another random phone call from me then!

3. The end of Uni. Crickey. Can you believe it? Come May I will have finished my third and final year of university. How absolutely crazy is that? Woopla. It's so exciting, but at the same time very daunting. From then onwards, that’s it, it's going to be me out to the big wide world... Oh man, maybe a Masters degree is a good idea after all!!

4. And lastly it'll be my big Two One. 21. Gahh! Now although this horrifies me hugely (I'm getting way old, book me in for some botox) I'll be sure to grin and bear it knowing that I'm going to be receiving the beautiful Chanel ring I chose in Dubai last year. Ohh yes! I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. I’d like to go to the ice bar in London so I’ll have a look into it, but at the same time I want to something fabulous and rememberable, after all this is my last good birthday until 30.... excuse me while I go vom! Ergh.

Also later on in the year, in October UGG and Jimmy Choo are collaborating for a limited edition and co-branded footwear line. O-M-ACTUAL-G. Uggs mixed with Jimmy Choos; I wanty!! I can't wait to see what they look like! The collection is said to be "based on the iconic UGG® Australia boot construction with design details that embody the spirit of the Jimmy Choo brand." YES PLEASE!! But priced between $495-$795 they defo aren't foot attire to walk my Jazpups in!!

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