Sunday 20 June 2010


Today is Sunday. I work Sundays, and today was no different. However today I finished to find a VERY interesting tweet (message from a member of Twitter, for all you non twitterbugs) waiting for me. It read:

AHEM. I BRING YOU GOOD NEWS. @dermsoleary ;)

It was from my good twitterbug friend Louise, who I actually haven't spoken to in quite a while (this needs fixing missy). Anywho, I literally stopped in my tracks (ask Mark and Luke, I was walking home with them, they were witnesses.) DERMOT O'FREAKING LUSH LEARY HAS TWITTER. This was the moment I had been waiting for, for a long time. I updated my facebook status: "OMG DERMOT HAS TWITTER!! It literally feels like all my christmas' have come at once! I wonder if injunctions can be taken out over Twitter stalking.... sure we'll find out!! :)!" And it wasn't long until the 'likes' started rolling in!

So anyway I was extremo excited and tweeted him, obviously declaring my love. I was expecting a reply within minutes obviously telling me that he loved me back and that we should hook up, get married, have beautiful kids and live happily ever after. I was picturing our wedding and how we'd laugh at the reception when he made his speech about how we met over Twitter, a true modern-day love story. And Kayleigh agreed, she was adamant I'd receive a reply asking for my address so he'd come a whisk me away to a love den, where we would stay for quite some time....... However, to my utter horror instead of him replying to me I stumbled across a tweet from Dean Piper (celeb jorno) telling everyone that it was a fake. Dermsolearly wasn't infact Dermot O'leary at all.


My heart shattered into a million pieces, and the only way to deal with such pain is to drink. So, I hit the bottle. The Pimms bottle to be precise. And now here I am, glass in one hand, typing with the other, writing this blog to tell you of my utter heart ache. It hurts. It really hurts. Roll on August for X Factor, that is like two months away. Big fat sigh. I'm off to drown more of my sorrows and try to mend my broken heart. *wacks on soppy love songs and howls along to them* Woe is ME. Goodbye :(


  1. I am very sorry that I was the bringing of fake good news :( I also won't mention that I'm seeing Dermot on Wednesday...*runs away*

  2. I love your bloggs stunnnahhh xx
