Monday 2 August 2010

Today I have...

...Woken up really early considering I didn't need to. Eaten a bowl of yoghurt Special K. Laughed at the wrongens on Jeremy Kyle. Showered. Moisturised. Walked Jaz in the sunshine wearing sunnies. Laughed at her being scared of a fly. Cleaned the bathroom (Christ). Hung the washing out (Christ x 2). Hoovered (Christ x 3). Updated my facebook status. Text Shelley about 1000 times. Text Tom the same amount. Got excited about the anti-male sesh with the two C's! Aimed to change my attitude. Received a book "Happiness, thoughts and quotations for every day" from my Nan along with a newspaper clipping of a cartoon about handbags, what a Babe. Tried to fool myself into believing you're something you're not. Looked at my phone hoping to see that certain name, far too many times. Realised I need to snap out of it and deleted the number. Watched Loose Women whilst writing a blog. Laughed to myself over my dramatic-ness yesterday at work. Laughed again remembering Saturday night. Realised that I need a kick up the backside. Kicked myself up the backside. Sipped on ice-cold strawberry flavoured water - the obsession is back. Drunk all of the strawberry water. Walked to Waitrose to buy some more. Tanned and toned. Munched on some red grapes. Realised I was going to be on cigs at work tonight and felt a little bit sad. Then remember what beauty I had stuck up inside the cupboard (poster of Dermot). Rang Ashley for a catch up. Sneezed. Wanted to see Toy Story 3. Wanted to go on a massive shopping splurge. Looked at my bank balance and wept silently. Realised life isn't that bad, I mean, I could be Lindsay Lohan. Spoken to Tom on the phone after he had his tattoo. "2nd August 2k10, Stunstun". Listened to Drake, Jason Daaaaarrruuuuullllooooo and Katy Perry on repeat. Said FML way too many times as per. Caught up on Heatworld and watched a vid of Ed Westwick *swoon*. Abused bbm. Counted down the days until Jaz is back. Debated going to Kukui tonight. Been envious of peoples wardrobes. Wanted to be VB's BFF. Felt awkward. Gone to work. Gazed at Dermy ♥. Gossiped - probably about you. Smiled at strangers. Laughed at something that wasn't funny. Judged someone I didn't know. Thought about what it would be like to be a pineapple. Hoped the sun will be out tomorrow. Been naughty. Got excited about Wednesday. Wanted a stiff drink. Had a stiff drink. Been stunning in the pub with Tom and Shelley. Hidden behind a car-sun-protector-flap?! (the bit you pull down when its sunny, that also has a mirror on it for applying lipgloss, handy. I can't remember what its called). Had some Pimms. Hiccupped. Gone back to hating him for being an absolute C. Ranted to Chantelle, who kindly listened and agreed. Started to be sad but then remembered, once again that I am not Lindsay Lohan... and smiled. :)

Goodnight xo xo

Oh wait, P.S. decided against Kukui and settled for an early night...!!

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