Monday 18 April 2011


I am currently sat in bed, with fluffy hair, in a I ♥ NY hoody and pj bottoms, trying really hard to piece together what happened last night after people have been telling me numerous stories. But I'm failing miserably, I don't remember a lot and I definitely do not remember throwing ice cubes at random, innocent people..

How did I get to this? Is this fate? Is this what I was destined for? Am I seriously meant to be in this situation? Because if you’d have asked me what I would be doing when I was nearing the age of 22, when I was around 5 years old I would have told you I would be a Princess, obviously. At the age of 15 I would have said I’d be presenting a popular entertainment programme alongside Davina McCall, again, obviously! (I’ve always been really realistic with my life ambitions..) But no, much to my surprise here I am writing this blog, because once again my brain is on overload and I find myself wide awake when I could really do with some sleep after the lack I've had of it recently. It got me to thinking about fate. What is it? And more importantly, what the hell have I done to piss it off so much that I’m neither a Princess nor a TV presenter? Harsh.

Fate; the theory that everything happens just as it’s supposed to, that everything is predetermined. A completely mind blowing concept that basically says we’re not actually responsible for the course of our lives, but instead it’s been planned out for us. “It’s written in the stars.” The Hollywood Walk of Fame stars for me.. or not as the case may be!
Don't get me wrong I truly believe that things happen for a reason, but I'm not sure that I agree with the saying that "everything happens for a reason." I think that phrase may have been conjured up by a friend of someone who had been having a really rough time of it and they were simply trying to make their friend feel better. It was a nice gesture, and a lovely thought, but seriously 'everything happens for a reason?' I'm not so sure on that one! 

Take for example the situation I find myself in at this very moment. All day I have been struggling to stay awake, my eyelids have been heavy, at some points during today it was a real effort to lift my eyelid back up whilst blinking. I've been that tired. Yet here I am now, at gone past midnight and I'm wide a-freaking-wake. Can someone please explain to me where the reasoning behind that is, because I'm stumped!

On a serious note, when you actually get to thinking about it properly, fate is genuinely quite scary (or I may just be massively over analysing it in my I'm-hung-over-let's-question-anything-and-everything mood.) No matter what I may do to try and achieve the goals I've set myself, it doesn't matter because if fate does exist then my life is already all set out for me, and it may not include the goals I've set at all. But surely that can't be? I mean fate wouldn't have planned for me to be sick this morning after the motion of brushing my teeth made my stomach churn would it? I mean what was the point in that? It was very unnecessary. And if fate had planned that for me, that was really pretty petty fate, and we'll be having less of that in the future, please.

That's the trouble with fate; because it's a theory based around the idea that we don't have a say in how our lives turn out, it can leave you with a feeling of helplessness. I've heard people say things along the lines of "I'm destined to be poor" or "I'm not destined for much" and I've thought the exact same things myself sometimes. But are we? I personally believe that we choose our own destinys. Yes, we don't have control over some situations that we find ourselves in, but we do have control over our attitude and how we decide to respond to the situation. It's totally up to you whether you let a bad situation wear you down or whether you take it in your stride and try to remain positive whilst doing so. For me fate seems like the easy and obvious excuse to not bother trying to go after something you want ,because it's down to fate isn't it, its out of your hands. Those who are willing to accept that and are happy to not put in some extra work to achieve, clearly didn't want or deserve whatever it was they were after in the first place.

Now, even though sadly I'm not sat on a grand throne wearing a sparkly tiara, neither am I reading through a script for my next tv show with Davina, I'm not going to blame fate (partly because I'm scared of what else fate has in store for me if I do. I've figured whilst writing this that it's probably best to stay on fate's good side, just in case it is real. Which leads me nicely on to Karma - but that's a whole other blog!) I believe that it is ultimately up to me to change it, and trust me I'm working on it. My first step is blagging my way into Will and Kate's wedding next week to introduce myself to Prince Harry. Don't write 'Princess Emma' off just yet...!

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