It’s a well known fact that I love Cheryl Cole. I love her
music, her style, her hair, her personality: everything. In fact I love her so
much that a friend once slagged her off (on facebook) about an outfit she
wore on The X Factor (the gold cage dress) and I was so outraged I deleted the
biatch and haven’t spoken to her since. True story. Anyway, I digress,
basically Cheryl is my British version of Britney, and we all know how much I
heart Brit…! So imagine my absolute delight when it was announced that Cheryl
had a new song coming out: Call My Name. I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise to
hear that I obviously loved the Calvin Harris-produced track after my first listen and immediately made it my ringtone,
text message tone and alarm - you can never have too much Cheryl. Before the
song (which will be the first released from her third studio album A Million
Lights, due out June 18th) was released there were loads of pictures
of her upcoming video for it doing the rounds across magazines, newspapers,
twitter and other websites. She (quite obviously) looked amazing, as ever. I
was in fan girl heaven.
After the initial excitement of hearing Call My Name had
dwindled (only ever so slightly though!) I was craving the video like David
Walliams craves Simon. And would you believe it, Cheryl only went and released
it the day before my birthday didn’t she! Yet another reason to love her and I
was transported back to my fan girl heaven.
I knew just 5 seconds in to the video that we were onto a
gooden as there was a close up of her shoes. They were orange - WINNER. Cheryl
then proceeded to walk through a tunnel (your guess is as good as mine) swoosh
her hair around a bit, have “The only way to a woman’s heart is along the path
of torment. Marquis De Sade” come up as subtitles (again I’m not entirely sure)
and then continued to walk through some puddle and take off her jacket to toss aside,
whilst heading towards a group of guys who were all strategically leaning against
cars ready to dance. How convenient. Oh by the way, all of that happens whilst
there were a few close up bum shots thrown in for good measure/to also show off
her new tattoo (more on that later.) Nearly a minute in and the beat starts,
the song kicks in and the dance routines begin. The dance routines pretty much
last the entire video. There are, of course as I’ve already mentioned, the odd
slow mo bum shot/wriggle against a wall/sultry pose/hair swoosh thrown in to
break them up.
A few things that I noticed whilst watching/analysing the 4
minutes and 29 second long video are as follows:
Cheryl has absolutely lovely shoulders.
She’s clearly been working flat out as she has
some serious guns.
What’s with the beauty spot? Is she doing a
Kelly Rowland on us?
The first time I watched it I actually thought
Eva Longoria made a cameo as there are certain shots in which Cheryl totally
resembles her!
If you took away the music there were also
several moments captured that could be used for her L’Oreal campaign.

I’d like to end this blog by saying how bloomin’ lovely it
is to have Cheryl back in my life, long may she reign. Oh and also if anyone
knows where she got her colourful blazer from please do tell me as I need that
in my life, stat.
Oh and FYI Call My Name has now been listened to on my iTunes
108 times (I had it on repeat for about a week, standard) and I’ve probably
watched the video well over 30 times. Talking of which, I think it’s about time
I watched it again. Over and out xo
(Actually before I go, I realise that this blog is very slow
off the mark for me; however I’ve been without internet, which will be the
topic of my next blog. Prepare yourselves! Now I’m seriously going, bye!)
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