Thursday 2 February 2012

Dry January with a drizzle of Glandular Fever

Yesterday we waved goodbye/good riddance to January (which in my opinion is quite possibly the longest, most painful, dullest and just generally a super pooey month) and we warmly (or not so, what with the absolutely freezing temperature and all) welcomed in February. I like February because it’s short. I dislike February because it’s home to the most ridiculous day of the year, but that’s another topic..
Cast your minds back to the end of December. What with Christmas and New Year there was obviously quite a bit of alcohol consumed all round. On Twitter there were talks from many about having a “Dry January”. Dry January being the phrase used to describe not drinking any alcohol for the entirety of January. I for one was not going to be participating in this. Hell no. And, I thought the people who were, were quite frankly nutters. I was home in Bournemouth for the first week of January and I had every intention of going out on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Dry January? Dry Schmanuary!
However, lucky old me went and contracted Laryngitis which resulted in me spending the majority of my week off work in bed. Brilliant. It was alright though because I had an invite to a birthday party the following week, where TOWIE stars would be present. Brilliant. I’d party with Joey Essex and make up for it then…. Nope, alas I was still poorly and too ill to go. Cool. Having returned to London for work, I lasted just two days and I was back in Bournemouth feeling sorry for myself, but more positive as I had Jazpups around. I was feeling even worse than I had done originally, but I thought a week in bed resting would work because that’s what the Doctor said. So I did just that, in the hope that I’d be better for the weekend which would mean I could have gone out for another friend’s birthday. (I may not necessarily like January, but at least I have a lot of birthdays to attend to help me through it!) But once again, nope, that didn’t happen either. FML big time!
Ironically whilst I was going strong in Dry January (albeit unintentionally) the majority of people I knew who were supposedly participating were dropping off the bandwagon and getting right back on the alcoholic scene. I was livid. What I would do to sit in Aruba with a strawb daq in my hand and my friends around me gossiping. This was ridiculous. One positive thing about Dry January is every Sunday morning waking up hangover free whilst everyone else rants about their head and how they’re feeling on facebook. Gutted!
After several tests from the Doctors they eventually found out last week that I have Glandular Fever, which would explain why I’ve been so run-down, had a high temperature, why my glands have been up and also my extreme tiredness (yesterday I had so little energy in me that I had to sit down halfway through my shower, seriously.) I’m sleeping ridiculous amounts, at least 11 hours over night and then a couple of hour naps throughout the day, its mental. So even if I was feeling relatively better I wouldn’t be able to stay awake long enough to go out anyway. And the best bit of all of this is that Glandular Fever can last months. SU-BLOOMIN-PERB. This means I could actually be in for a Dry February, March and April. Yaaaay!

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