Thursday 6 January 2011


Having just sobbed my way through another viewing of Marley and Me (it gets me every time without fail. Marley looks way too much like Jaz for my liking.) I thought it was about high-time that I wrote a blog on my most favourite thing in the whole wide world. The one thing I'd chose over a brand spanking new pair of Christian Louboutins. The one thing who makes me smile no matter how bad the situ. The one thing who doesn't judge me... unless of course I'm hungover and only walk her around the block (in which case she gives me the "eye".) Step forward, my gorgeous Jazpups.

Yes, she can be a tad on the boring side, I mean she never barks and even as a puppy she never chewed anything up. She trots off to bed, each night, at 10 without being told. She is scared of most things, fireworks, cats, water... the list could go on! She is as fickle as anything, if you have a treat you're her best friend but as soon as she's scoffed that and someone else comes along with another one, you are well and truly forgotten. I swear she thinks she's more of a person or a cat compared to a dog. She dribbles and slobbers a lot when around food, but I wouldn't have her any other way. To me she is absolutely perfect. And without a doubt is the bestest dog evs.

Without fail she will be waiting at the front door wagging her tail as you enter, always looking thrilled to see you. She doesn't ask for much, a cuddle a day and she's more than happy. And even though she isn't amused by it, she still lets me dress her up and, I guess essentially, make her look like an idiot! For example, last pancake day she was found in the kitchen, poised next to a frying pan with a pancake wearing a (sort of) chefs hat on. And don't let me forget to mention that she has even featured on This Morning for being the "canine version" of Holly Willougby. What an absolute superstar!

She may only be a dog but I like her more than I will ever like you. Fact! And if she could read she would defo love and appreciate this blog, a lot! She'd probs try to lick my feet or something disgusting, and then remember that I am not down with that stuff and give me her paw instead. BIG love for you, Jazpups.

"A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"

1 comment:

  1. awww she's gorgeous!
    Marley & Me gets me everytime too :)
