Friday 7 January 2011

Dear 2011,

Dear 2011,

I realise this is a week late and for this I apologise, but it’s better late than never. Right?! Anyway, from you I would like…

To genuinely smile and laugh every day. The Christian Louboutin’s that Kylie wore at the X Factor. To wake up and be excited about what my day is going to involve. To be more pro-active. To achieve the things I am capable of. For a certain opportunity to materialise. A baby chicken that stays tiny, fluffy and cute. A baby goat that does the same thing. To make memories that I won’t forget. To get away from Bournemouth, preferably to London. To meet Dermot O’Leary. To see Britney again. To go shopping with Victoria Beckham. For the Spice Girls to reunite once more. For my hair to grow, quickly. To have a much healthier income than the one I am currently on. For someone to sponser me to go to New York and shop until my heart is content. To casually bump into Chace Crawford whilst doing so. (Make him naked and that would be a bonus.) For a long hot summer, preferably from my birthday till October. To have no more Neds. For my family and friends to be healthy. And to just be generally happy…. Please.

Kind regards,

Emma x

1 comment:

  1. Would love to follow your blog but...*ahem*...can't figure out how to? :S
    Rebecca x
