Let's go back, back in time, to when I was about 8. I freaking loved the Spice Girls. As you well know, my name is Emma, and Baby Spice had the same name. She was obviously therefore my favourite, well joint favourite with Posh. Obvo. I had their albums (on cassette - how retro!) their calendar, the photos you collected, the dolls, the big yellow puffa jacket, and the black one, the platform shoes, the duvet cover, pens and pencils and pretty much any other Spice Memorabilia that was on offer. Like I said, I LOVED them!
So imagine my absolute delight when on Boxing Day of 1997 the Spice World movie was released in cinemas, of course I went with my family in tow, Mum, Dad and a 3 year old Liam. I was mesmerised from the very first minute. It was pure brilliance. The acting wasn't so great, but I for one didn't give a hoot. The storyline had my chuckling away in my uncomfortable cinema seat. My dad genuinely fell asleep, my brother cried and my mum said she was bored, but deep down I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it a tiny bit. She's a girl after all, she's got Girl Power. Anyway I loved it so much I demanded to watch it again. So I did, straight after watching it the first time. I was a happy girl. My favourite line from the entire film and one that I have remembered ever since is one of Victoria's. It's in the part where she's driving the bus around London in a rush to get to their concert, which they are late for. And they attempt to drive over the London Tower Bridge, as it's opening to let a boat under. HORROR. She screams "Hold onto your knickers, girls." Looking back this really isn't that amusing at all, but at the time I was crying with laughter, literally. I had tears rolling down my little 8 year old chubby cheeks, which were probably stuffed with popcorn at the time. Other favourite lines include Victoria shouting "AND I'M VICTORIA MALCOLM." "The little Gucci dress. The little Gucci dress. Or the little Gucci dress?" and "I had a dream but it was much worse. I had a head... But it had no make up on it." All of which are VB and EB quotes, told you they were my favs!
It's coming up to 3 years since I went and saw them live at o2. Twice. Even then, at 18 I was an over-excited mess. Dancing whilst screaming back all the songs to them. It was without a doubt my favourite concert I've ever been to. Yep, they beat Britney. In my excitement last night I may have
Now, whilst I'm on the topic of brilliant films, Mary Poppins is currently on. Julie Andrews is an absolute Goddess. I also love her. I wish we were related, or at the very least friends, so that we could embark on country walks up hills and run around on the top with our arms spread wide open singing "The Hills Are Alive" whilst obviously wearing outfits made out of curtains. And on that note, I am off to see if I can tidy my room by just simply clicking my fingers. It never worked when I was a child, much to my dismay. But it's ok, because if Mary Poppins taught me anything it was that "in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun."
And with that, good day to you all.

haha this is brilliant.. i also appreciate the spice girls to the max, saw them once at o2, sat behind david beckham.. i was loving life to say the least. we obvo have the most waitrose girl power i mean you even have your own frikkin kitchen roll.. i mean duh? we fucking own the place. love you love this blog love ellizaaa xxx
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted that you posted this and didn't feature THE picture of VB waving at US.
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. But it would have showed the World that she does appreciate her adoring fans.
Miss you EJ! xxxxx.