Monday 27 December 2010

And the award for the Worst/Most boring Blog EVER written goes to... THIS ONE.

Hello. I have flu. It's turning me into an illiterate fool. Honestly, my brain has gone into meltdown and I can't type/spell/function. It is horrendous. The smallest of tasks, such as spelling the word 'tongue' have become insanely challenging for my brain (yes, you are correct in thinking that I graduated from Uni with a degree in Journalism earlier this year, so yes I should be able to spell a simple word. Fml.) Anyway I ended up spelling it 'tounge' which actually looking at it now is a much prettier way of spelling it. So in my delusional mood I thought I'd have a giggle and attempt to write a blog. So here I am now, writing this utter nonsense, which I can't be bothered to reread/spell check, so deal with it.

So, Christmas this year was, umm, interesting. I'm not going to lie; it was without a doubt the worst one I have ever experienced in my 21 years. I've been lucky enough to never have had a bad one before, but this one sure as hell made up for that. I'm very much pleased it is over. So long Christmas, and quite frankly, good bloody riddence. On a happier note on Christmas Eve Dermot posted a picture of him and his turkey. Cue new background.

The last couple of days my life has revolved around the TV. This has been one of the only things that I have truly enjoyed this year. The endless films and Christmas specials are usually missed because I'd have normally been out partying dressed as a reindeer or something, however due to certain circumstances the partying reindeer in me didn't come out this year, and instead I spent my evenings in my snuggie watching tv trash. Highlights have included Celebrity Juice, Love Actually, Nativity and Eastenders. Shoot me. I can't believe I just wrote that. Those of you who know me will be stunned/horrified/realise that I truly am ill due to the fact I just admitted to watching Eastenders. If there is one thing I despise it would be soaps. The acting is rubbish, the storylines are ridiculous and they're on too much. Count me out. However I actually quite enjoyed the whole saga of Stacey up on the rood covered in psycho Janine's blood. That was until Stacey flew off to some tropical climate to live happily ever after. If it were down to me I would have had her jump off that roof and splattered across the square... tis the season and all that jazz.

Back to wallowing about my poor fluey self. There may no longer be snow outside however my bedroom resembles a snowstorm. There are tissues everywhere. I sneeze. I snot. And then I throw. I aim for bin but often miss. I haven't played netball since year 11. My skills are lacking. Bite me. I also have an array of flavoured soothers. Peach would be my favourite. Closely followed by Strawberry. And then lastly Blackcurrant. I do not like lemsip, at all. Hot Ribena used to be a favourite, it has now become tedious. My nose looks like Rudolph's (how very festive of me) yet resembles a cheese grater. Ouch. My body aches. My head hurts. My eyes feel heavy. When I swallow it feels like I'm swallowing a tennise ball covered in blades. All in all I'm having an absolute blast. Here's hoping that it'll be gone by New Year's Eve. And if not, Eastenders better have a juicy storyline that night as well.... FML!

Also I bizarrely want to go and shop in the sales. Yes you did read that right. I, Emma Jamieson, want to shop in the sales. I really am NOT myself at the minute.

I watched Love Actually for the 175,736,992th time last night. It never, ever bores me. I still laugh, I still cry and I still smile through every second of it.

"Eight is a lot of legs, David."

I've just sneezed 8 times.

And on that note, goodbye.

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