Wednesday 29 September 2010


Yesterday was Tuesday, which can mean only one thing... I had a dirty, rotten, filthy hangover from Kukui which needed curing, prompto. That cure came in the form of Dominos (the pizza brand not the game made out of black bricks with polka dots on them.) And it was only bloody "Two for Tuesday" wasn't it. Result. They are possibly the most beautiful words ever to be spoken. I’d actually quite like to take this opportunity to personally thank Mr Dominos for inventing such a delight, and such a good offer.

Just picture this, there I was (still in pjs with barely a scrap of makeup upon my face), after a full day of feeling utterly rancid and contemplating never partying ever again, off I trotted to the Palace of Love to munch my jolly little way through slices of heaven with Kelly and Jaz. It was a beautiful moment, for all involved (apart from maybe the pizza slices which we happily devoured. Do they have feelings?)

A special mention goes out to the garlic and herd dip, which as Jaz said “needs its own paragraph.” However there’s only so much you can write about a dip really isn’t there. It’s nice. I like to dip margarita into it. It makes your breath stink. That is pretty much everything said.. does this qualify as a paragraph? I ruddy hope so.

So yes this blog has been short, but pretty straight to the point. I am fat. I love Dominos. The end.

Actually before I go, I have a funny story to tell you all from my day. At work an old man ran over his wife in the car park. Obviously this isn't a funny situation, but she luckily wasn't hurt and I (tried to, but failed) quietly chuckled to myself. The best part of the story is that the first thing she said after her dear husband knocked her down was "Where's my beret?!" Absolute. Babe. What an inspiration. God bless her, and him!

Ok that's it. Bye xo

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