Sunday 22 May 2011

Emma Jamieson - Virgin Atlantic Red Hot Reporter

Hi, my name is Emma and I'm 22,
and this poem will hopefully prove I'm the girl for you.
For the last three years I studied to be a 'journo',
I'd love to add this exciting opportunity to my portfolio.

I'm quite well travelled and I love to fly,
I've been to New York, the Caribbean and Dubai.
I like new cultures, to party and to dance,
Je ne comprend pas beaucoup le Francais, but I'd still work in France!

If I'm honest I'm into tanning, lip-gloss and fashion,
but writing has always been my ultimate passion.
I follow on twitter, journalists Porter and Hughes,
they inspire me when I blog about global news.*

I hope you'll agree I'm your ideal Red Hot Reporter
If I'm chosen I'll be raising a glass thats filled with something stronger than water!

The video doesn't have the greatest of sound qualities and I couldn't work out how to flip it round the right way, but have a little watch anyway! I'd love to be given the opportunity to report from Miami for you, for not only the amazing experience and the weather, but also because I know all of the lyrics to Will Smiths hit - Miami! Perfect!

* Please feel free to read previous entries of my blog. Ones that may be of interest are:
Osama Bin Laden Dead
My take of the Royal Wedding
Japan earthquake and tsunami

Check me out on twitter @emmybabee


I'd also like to thanks Hannah and Megan for filming me and passing me the props! Superstars!