Tuesday 8 March 2011

Circular Culinary Delights

The title may seem like a bizarre choice, but please don’t judge a blog by its name. There really is a reason behind my madness…

Today is Tuesday the 8th of March 2011, this year’s Shrove Tuesday (also the day after Jaz’s birthday.) The tradition of Shrove Tuesday is to eat Pancakes. I for one am a fan of pancakes. They are circular in shape. I have subsequently come to the conclusion that circular-shaped-foods are my favourite. So I thought, to hell with it, I'm going to write a blog on it. (As ever I am delving into really important issues and news worthy matters, and blogging about them.. *ahem*)

I’ll start with some English terminology and background history. *snort* The word ‘shrove’ is the past participle of the English verb to shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of confession and doing penance (remorse for your past conduct.) ‘Shrove Tuesday’ is the last day before Lent starts on ‘Ash Wednesday.’ Lent is a Christian tradition which leads up to Easter. Lent is a time for sacrifice for Jesus. Believers (and non-believers) give things up that they love (normally edible) for the 40 days (or around) until Easter Sunday. It’s difficult, I tried it, once. Second year of uni. No chocolate. Killer.

Enough of the ‘intellectual’ chat and onto the pressing issue of this blog: My favourite circular shaped foods. Please note, these will be listed in no particular order (so if any Malteasers or Oreos are reading this and don’t like where they are placed, rest assured I love you all equal amounts.) Right let’s do this, my favourite circular shaped foods are as follows...
Pancakes. Pizza. Crumpets. Chocolate Hobnobs. Oreos. Party Rings. Aero Bubbles. Chocolate Buttons. Candy necklaces. Malteasers. Terry’s Orange Chocolate. Oranges (more for the colour, not the actual fruit.)
And, there we have it, a list of my favourite circular foods complete. I also noticed that they all make you fat. They expand your waistline to resemble somewhat of a circle, if you will. Talk about an absolute coincidence/BONUS!
However, one circular shaped food that breaks my un-dying love, are peas. I do not enjoy them, in the slightest. Hate is often described as a 'strong word' but I genuinely hate the rancid little green things. Seriously why anyone would choose to eat peas is beyond me. I’m not a fan, apart from these two that I found on a postcard. They are cute; I appreciate them, a lot.

Having written this blog, I’ve realised that I quite like circles in general. I feel this may because of the little maths geek that is hidden away deep down inside me but dying to be unleashed. I mean, a circle is the locus of all points equidistant from a central point. What’s not to love about that? And with circles comes the cheeky little devil that is pi (π = 3.14159265.) This is the mathematical constant of the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle. I personally think the circle is the most efficient two dimensional shape: the greatest area enclosed by the least perimeter. And on a lighter note, the sun also appears circular in shape. He is out in full force today. And bubbles are round. I fricking love bubbles. Smiley face.

FYI today is also ‘International Women’s Day’ so I thought I’d take full advantage of my allowance to free speech and write yet another absolutely pointless blog. For all of the males out there who don't like it, SUCK IT. Women died to allow me to do this, therefore I shall milk it for all it is worth. This is a big up to all the ladies out there, past and present, who share my love for circular foods, in particular my CHS’s and Rihanna. I have big love for you ♥ (espesh you Elliza, CHS of the week!) xxxxxxxx

I'm off to listen to Independent Women by Destiny's Child on repeat. I will obviously attempt to sing along whilst stuffing my face with pancakes. I love life!

All the women who independent, throw your hands up at meeeeeeeee... *crams in a pancake*

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